The Centre for Research and Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development (CEREPROD) allocated at Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) is a focal point for research and implementation efforts of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Environmental Education (EE), and Climate Change Education (CCE) in Vietnam. The associated researchers engage in multi-disciplinary research on integrating environmental and climate change issues into teaching at various levels of the education system. The objective of CEREPROD is to develop holistic approaches to ESD and climate change education and learning, which adhere to the principles of equal opportunities in and access to education for all as well as education of high quality. In his role director of CEREPROD, Dr. Tuan (lead researcher) has been cooperating closely with governmental agencies, such as Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and UNESCO National Commission Vietnam, as well as NGOs working with issues of EE and ESD. Recently, CEREPROD has collaborated with academic organizations of German, Sweden, South Korea and with UNESCO Bangkok in the field of ESD and CCE.
Main roles and responsibilities: Case study development, contributing to theoretical and methodological development. Potential policy contributions and contributions to global action projects.
Main roles and responsibilities: Case study development, contributing to theoretical and methodological development. Potential policy contributions and contributions to global action projects.
Assoc. Professor Tran Duc Tuan has worked for the past 30 years in teacher education and engaged for over 10 years in teaching and researching ESD. He has led some national research and development projects on ESD and was a co-coordinators of the on ““Swedish-Vietnamese Cooperation Project on Developing Teaching and Research Capacities on Climate Change Education and Dissemination” funded by SIDA project funded by SIDA and successfully realised in Vietnam and Sweden for two years (2012-2013). He has supervised over 25 postgraduate scholars in geography teacher education and ESD at HNUE. He has published many papers on geography education and ESD in national journals in Vietnam and some ones in international educational journals. He is a founder of the Centre for Research and Promotion of ESD at Hanoi National University of Education established in 2006 and now is a director of CEREPROD.