We shared various papers via GoogleDrive to undertake literature reviews to inform our proposal development work and also to share some of our collective intellectual capital and resources. The following is a list of references and resources shared.
Bazilian, M., Rogner, H., Howells, M., Hermann, H., Arent, D., … Yumkella, K. 2011. Considering the energy, water and food nexus: Towards an integrated modeling approach. Energy Policy. 39 (12): 7896–7906
Bhaskar, R. 1993. Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom. London and New York, Verso.
Benhabib, S. 2011. Dignity in adversity: Human rights in troubled times. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dickinson JL, Shirk J, Bonter D, Bonney R, Crain RL, Martin J, Phillips T, Purcell K. 2012. The current state of citizen science as a tool for ecological research and public engagement. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10(6): 291-297: DOI:10.1890/110236
Ellingson, L. 2009. Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research: An Introduction. California: Sage
Engeström, Y. 2015. Learning by expanding: An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research (2nd edition of the 1987 book with new introductory chapter). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Engeström Y, Sannino A. 2010. Studies of expansive learning: Foundations, findings and future challenges. Educational Research Review 5:1-24: doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2009.12.002
Freire, P. 1975. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Pas e Terra, Rio de Janeiro.
hooks, B. 1994. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. London: Routledge.
Krasny, M.E. and K.G. Tidball. 2012. Civic Ecology: A pathway for Earth Stewardship in cities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10(5): 267-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/110230
Latour B. 2004. Politics of Nature. How to bring the sciences into democracy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Leff, E. 1995. Green Production: Toward an Environmental Rationality. New York: The Guildford Press.
Masara, C. 2010. Social learning processes and nature-culture relations of commercial beekeeping practices as small and medium enterprise development in Zimbabwe. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 27, 6-20
McGarry, D. 2014. Empathetic apprentice: pedagogical developments in aesthetic education of the social learning practitioner in South Africa. Chapter 12 in Corcoran, P.B. and B.P. Hollingshead (Eds). Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Futures. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Netherlands
McKenzie, M. & Tuck, E. 2015. Place in Research. London: Routledge.
Neocosmos, M. 2012. Are Those-Who-Do-Not-Count Capable of Reason? Thinking Political Subjectivity in the (Neo-) Colonial World and the Limits of History. Journal of Asian and African Studies 47(5) 530–547 DOI: 10.1177/0021909612452701
O’Donoghue, R.B. 2014. ThinkPiece: Re-thinking Education for Sustainable Development as transgressive processes of educational engagement with human conduct, emerging matters of concern and the common good. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. Vol. 30
Robeyns, I. 2005. “The Capability Approach: a Theoretical Survey.” Journal of Human Development 6 (1): 93–117. doi:10.1080/146498805200034266.Sefa Dei, G. 2010. Teaching Africa – Towards a Transgressive Pedagogy. Springer
Sol, J. and Wals, A.E.J. 2014. Strengthening ecological mindfulness through hybrid learning in vital coalitions. Cultural Studies of Science Education, DOI 10.1007/s11422-014-9586-z
Bazilian, M., Rogner, H., Howells, M., Hermann, H., Arent, D., … Yumkella, K. 2011. Considering the energy, water and food nexus: Towards an integrated modeling approach. Energy Policy. 39 (12): 7896–7906
Bhaskar, R. 1993. Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom. London and New York, Verso.
Benhabib, S. 2011. Dignity in adversity: Human rights in troubled times. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dickinson JL, Shirk J, Bonter D, Bonney R, Crain RL, Martin J, Phillips T, Purcell K. 2012. The current state of citizen science as a tool for ecological research and public engagement. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10(6): 291-297: DOI:10.1890/110236
Ellingson, L. 2009. Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research: An Introduction. California: Sage
Engeström, Y. 2015. Learning by expanding: An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research (2nd edition of the 1987 book with new introductory chapter). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Engeström Y, Sannino A. 2010. Studies of expansive learning: Foundations, findings and future challenges. Educational Research Review 5:1-24: doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2009.12.002
Freire, P. 1975. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Pas e Terra, Rio de Janeiro.
hooks, B. 1994. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. London: Routledge.
Krasny, M.E. and K.G. Tidball. 2012. Civic Ecology: A pathway for Earth Stewardship in cities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10(5): 267-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/110230
Latour B. 2004. Politics of Nature. How to bring the sciences into democracy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Leff, E. 1995. Green Production: Toward an Environmental Rationality. New York: The Guildford Press.
Masara, C. 2010. Social learning processes and nature-culture relations of commercial beekeeping practices as small and medium enterprise development in Zimbabwe. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 27, 6-20
McGarry, D. 2014. Empathetic apprentice: pedagogical developments in aesthetic education of the social learning practitioner in South Africa. Chapter 12 in Corcoran, P.B. and B.P. Hollingshead (Eds). Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Futures. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Netherlands
McKenzie, M. & Tuck, E. 2015. Place in Research. London: Routledge.
Neocosmos, M. 2012. Are Those-Who-Do-Not-Count Capable of Reason? Thinking Political Subjectivity in the (Neo-) Colonial World and the Limits of History. Journal of Asian and African Studies 47(5) 530–547 DOI: 10.1177/0021909612452701
O’Donoghue, R.B. 2014. ThinkPiece: Re-thinking Education for Sustainable Development as transgressive processes of educational engagement with human conduct, emerging matters of concern and the common good. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. Vol. 30
Robeyns, I. 2005. “The Capability Approach: a Theoretical Survey.” Journal of Human Development 6 (1): 93–117. doi:10.1080/146498805200034266.Sefa Dei, G. 2010. Teaching Africa – Towards a Transgressive Pedagogy. Springer
Sol, J. and Wals, A.E.J. 2014. Strengthening ecological mindfulness through hybrid learning in vital coalitions. Cultural Studies of Science Education, DOI 10.1007/s11422-014-9586-z