The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) is a newly established UNESCO Category 1 Institute in India focusing on global citizenship, peace and sustainable development education. Being a global institute with special focus on Asia-Pacific, it has a large networked youth programme led by Ms Deepika Joon (who will be the main case study researcher) in development called ‘Youth for Environment, Sustainable Development and Peace’ (YESPeace), and it is seeking to develop approaches to transformative learning within this youth network. The Director of MGIEP, Prof. Anantha K Duraiappah has extensive international policy connections and is involved in a number of global action projects. He also has expertise in capabilities research, transformative learning, and in global research management and programme development, having served in the IHDP.
Main roles and responsibilities: Case study development, contributing to theoretical and methodological development. Potential policy contributions and contributions to global action projects.
Main roles and responsibilities: Case study development, contributing to theoretical and methodological development. Potential policy contributions and contributions to global action projects.
Prof. Duraiappah is Director of the UNESCO MGIEP. He was previously the Executive Director - International Human Dimension Programme at the UNU in Bonn (Germany), where he oversaw integration of social sciences and humanities into global sustainability. Prof Duraiappah holds visiting Professorships at Tokyo University and Beijing Normal University; he lectures on the economics of sustainable development (SD) and the ethics of equity and instrumental freedoms. He is also report director for the Inclusive Wealth Report, and is a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences. He served as Director for Economic Policy at the International Institute for SD in Winnipeg (Canada), and Co-Chair of the Biodiversity Synthesis Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and Senior Programme Officer at UNEP, where he led establishment of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment follow-up initiative and the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).