Conceptualisation meetings
The T-learning TKN took the process of collaborative proposal development seriously, and using the seed grant as proposed, we held on big team meeting in Grahamstown South Africa, where all partners, except for MGIEP were present (Deepika Joon lost her passport just before leaving India) and was not able to join us. There were 28 of us in total at the Grahamstown meeting in January 2015, and the proposal was discussed in depth over a period of three days. To make up for Deepika not being able to make it to the meeting, Dylan McGarry, Injairu Kulundu and Deepika Joon met in February in Cape Town to especially discuss the MGIEP case study, and how Durban University of Technology and Activate! case studies could also be developed within the Rhodes University partnership framework. Heila Sisitka visited SWEDESD in March, while on another visit to Sweden, and useful discussions on the ISSC proposal design took place. Short reports and insights from these visits show our collective engagement with the proposal design process.
Meeting 1: Grahamstown, South Africa
Meeting 2: Cape Town, South Africa
Meeting 3: Uppsala, Sweden
These meetings fed into a round robin feedback process on the emerging proposal. The proposal was circulated to all participants in the network over the period of February-March, with everyone providing feedback and suggestions for refinement. These were carefully considered and worked into the proposal, offering a much improved concept, research questions, theoretical framing, methodological guidance, and strong suggestions for how to work together on the project.
Meeting 1: Grahamstown, South Africa
Meeting 2: Cape Town, South Africa
Meeting 3: Uppsala, Sweden
These meetings fed into a round robin feedback process on the emerging proposal. The proposal was circulated to all participants in the network over the period of February-March, with everyone providing feedback and suggestions for refinement. These were carefully considered and worked into the proposal, offering a much improved concept, research questions, theoretical framing, methodological guidance, and strong suggestions for how to work together on the project.