Reflections from the first meeting
Prof. Tran Duc Tuan -The meeting has been organised very well. I am very pleased to attend the meeting. The discussion during the meeting was useful and valuable for me and all of participant. |
Anonymous - "Navigating the intermeshed contours of change practice engaged research was usefully opened up for me through the T4 learning work that we deliberated together this week. It was quite a challenge to stay with the diverging and integrating swings by trying to situate perspectives and lift out integrating commonalities. |
Anonymous - The meeting was a truly collaborative exercise across various organisation from 3 different continents, and from diverse perspectives of discipline, theory, methodology and practice. |
Anonymous - The three day workshop greatly enhanced my appreciation that there is no limit to knowledge production, that there can never be a finality to a research problem. The sky therefore cannot be the limit for there are footprints on the moon. |
Kim - Transgressive and transformative learning are important concepts when people get together to work in a network towards learning together. Sharing cases and experiences as we have done so over the last three days shows how TKN’s can really accelerate learning, someone called this inter-case engagement. |
Anonymous - Great meeting, learnt a great deal about learning- learning processes. |
Dylan - I have found that in these three days my understanding of how to situate social learning within a transgressive context. The idea of transgressive here, has been tremendously helpful as its offered new insights into how I methodologically think about the learning potential in the gap between deep ecological phenomenology and its merits, with the socio-political value of environmental justice. Further exploring the concept of ecological justice in this way has given me a new framing of what I am wanting to achieve in my work in Social Learning. |
Priya - interrogating concepts and normalised terms - being amongst such a well-experienced group of researchers afforded me the opportunity to revisit and consider a number of concepts that could be used in normalised ways (e.g. sustainable, climate change, co-engaged, etc.). Our multiple understandings and contextual interpretations of these terms brought together into a discussion on transgressive learning allowed me to really consider what I mean and think when I use the terms, and how my own normalisation of these ideas could be transgressed to make their use more transgressive and transformative. |
Mutizwa - my key learnings were: |
Anonymous |
Anonymous - The most important thing that i have learnt is the systemic thinking using the notion of "nexus". This is important because it will help me look at the problem I am trying to address in different perspectives and hence it will help me find better methods of dealing with the problems - the other phase that helps me focus my work and reflect deeply on what I ma trying to do in my project is " what needs warming up?". |
Eva - The meeting has first of all been very well planned and held. I appreciate the open discussions, semi-structured and creative. Thanks for that, from my heart. |